Why Did Eren Start the Rumbling, In the critically acclaimed manga and anime series, “Attack on Titan,” one of the most significant turning points in the story is when the protagonist, Eren Yeager, decides to initiate the rumbling. This destructive event involves the awakening of countless colossal Titans within the walls, marching toward the outside world to eliminate all threats. This article aims to delve into the reasons behind Eren’s decision to start the rumbling and explore the complexities surrounding his motivations.
Table of Contents
Understanding Eren’s Character Development
To comprehend why Eren chose to unleash such devastation, it is crucial to analyze his character development throughout the series. Initially introduced as an impulsive and hot-headed youth, Eren’s worldview undergoes a profound transformation as he witnesses the horrors of the Titans and discovers the truth about his world.
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The Marleyan Threat and Paradis Island’s Survival
Paradis Island, the last bastion of humanity within the walls, faces constant threats from the Marleyan government and its powerful military. The island’s inhabitants are treated as enemies of the world due to their possession of the Founding Titan and the potential danger it represents. Eren recognizes the existential threat faced by his people and believes that initiating the rumbling is the only way to ensure Paradis Island’s survival.
The Loss of Hope and Desperation
As Eren witnesses the persistent persecution and suffering endured by the people of Paradis Island, hope gradually fades away. The lack of viable alternatives and the realization that diplomacy may never be enough to secure their future drives Eren to embrace extreme measures. The loss of hope plays a pivotal role in his decision to unleash the rumbling.
The Pursuit of Freedom and Revenge
Throughout the series, Eren develops a deep desire for freedom, not only for himself but also for his fellow islanders. He believes that only by eliminating external threats can true freedom be achieved. Additionally, Eren seeks revenge for the countless lives lost and the tragedies endured by his loved ones. This desire for retribution further fuels his determination to start the rumbling.
The Consequences of the Rumbling
While Eren’s decision may seem justifiable from his perspective, it carries severe consequences. The rumbling leads to massive destruction, resulting in the loss of countless innocent lives. The collateral damage caused by his actions forces readers and viewers to question the morality of Eren’s choices and the true nature of heroism in a morally ambiguous world.
Criticisms and Debates Surrounding Eren’s Decision
Eren’s decision to initiate the rumbling has sparked intense debates among fans and critics alike. Some argue that his actions were necessary given the circumstances, while others condemn him for the immense destruction caused. These debates highlight the complex and morally grey nature of Eren’s character, leaving room for varied interpretations and discussions.
The Deeper Themes and Moral Ambiguity
“Attack on Titan” explores several profound themes, including the cyclical nature of violence, the cost of freedom, and the consequences of one’s choices. Eren’s decision to unleash the rumbling encapsulates these themes, forcing audiences to confront the moral ambiguity present within the story. It raises thought-provoking questions about the lengths one is willing to go to for the sake of survival and the ethical implications of such actions.
In conclusion, the question of why Eren started the rumbling in “Attack on Titan” is a complex one. It is rooted in his character development, the threats faced by Paradis Island, the loss of hope, the pursuit of freedom and revenge, and the consequences of his actions. The decision is not without criticism and debate, highlighting the moral ambiguity present within the story. Ultimately, it serves as a catalyst for a deeper exploration of themes and encourages audiences to grapple with the complexities of human nature.
- Q: Was Eren’s decision to start the rumbling justified? A: Eren’s decision is a matter of interpretation and has sparked intense debates. Some argue for its justification, considering the circumstances, while others condemn the immense destruction it caused.
- Q: Did Eren consider alternative solutions before initiating the rumbling? A: Eren’s desperation and loss of hope may have clouded his judgment, limiting his consideration of alternative solutions.
- Q: How did the rumbling impact the world outside Paradis Island? A: The rumbling resulted in widespread destruction and loss of life, impacting not only the enemies but also innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.
- Q: What are the long-term consequences of Eren’s decision? A: The consequences of the rumbling will likely have lasting effects on the story’s world and its characters, shaping the future of the narrative.
- Q: How does Eren’s decision challenge the notion of heroism? A: Eren’s decision blurs the lines between heroism and villainy, forcing audiences to question traditional notions of heroism and the morality of one’s actions